Saturday, 5 March 2011


Hi everyone, this is the last BIG push now... We are well on our way!! I will separate our final tasks between everyone now, we should meet monday to discuss and start to compile our final presentation. Please PLEASE do not come in on monday without the work... It NEEDS to be done!

Luke - Flat drawings/final line up/edit final photographs/look book

Mimi - Range plan, all final flats of garments laid out in order of garments e.g: all leggings in a row, all capes in a row. In full colour(take colour from photoshoot) and with fabric swatches and names for each outfit. This should be about 6 A3 pages, 1 page for each garment.

Lilla - Colour/Fabric boards - 2 A3 sheets with all proposed fabrics and a colour board with all proposed colours and the story where they came from e.g: the bird photograph.

Luisa - Final illustrations (one for each outfit)/Mood - Concept board - 2 A3 sheets that portray our concept in images and key words.

Jun - Customer board - 2 A3 sheets that realize our customer in images and words. Think of someone who will buy our garments, their life style, what they drive, what they eat, where they shop.

Please spend some time doing these sheets as they are the final ones. We can rearrange images and words for layout so they look cohesive so please bring them on monday either on paper with blue-tak or bring the usb with them on.
Remember everyone that our project is fun, quirky and unusual so put that into the boards! Think outside the box!

I will put some of my past boards on the blog incase you have never done one before.

P.S: The photographs are nearly edited!! They look fantastic! There will be 4 images for each person that is atmospheric then there will be 4 images for each person in the look book that is detailed.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Luke,
    for the fabric board, I think I should have a sample of everyones final fabrics to scan in, and I don't have all fabrics we are using:S
